Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Have a Problem

Despite my grocery budget and knowing where I am in this budget (thanks to my sidebar), I can't stop from shopping deals. I just went and spent another $13 today at Target. Grant you that I got over $25.00 worth of groceries, but still . . . I shouldn't have spent the money if I look at my budget. I did buy things that my family uses and needs on a regular basis. Things like waffles ($2.14 per box x 4 boxes- $6.00 in coupons= $2.56 for 4 boxes), macaroni and cheese ($1 per box x 8 boxes= $8), french fries ($2.49 x 2 bags - $1.00 coupon = $3.98 for 2 bags) and chips ($1.75 per bag x 2 bags = 3.50). I then had a $5 off a grocery order of $25 or more.

I struggle constantly between getting these good deals on things we eat/use regularly and trying to stick to my budget. If I buy them, I can go over budget. If I don't buy them, I may end up going over my budget later on.

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