Friday, December 12, 2008

Bi-Monthly Grocery Shopping Experiment

After about a month of weekly grocery shopping with a list, I'd been able to reduce my weekly grocery budget to about $80. That was fabulous as I'd been previously spending about $100-120 per week (I think). I was very pleased.

The next step of my experiment was to shop for 2 weeks at a time. I knew I'd still need to stop in between to get fresh fruit and milk though. So, I started making my menu plans for two weeks and making a 2 week grocery list based off the menu plan.

I headed off to the grocery store for the first time after making my 2 week shopping list and when I checked out, I was disappointed to see my bill was $80. I didn't save anything. Then it struck me, I'd just picked up groceries for 2 weeks, not 1!!! Wohoo!

To date, I've continued doing the two weeks of shopping at one time. I like it that way and I seem to spend less time at the grocery store. I still go in between for a mid-cycle shopping trip to pick up fruit, milk, etc. At that time, I also pick up things that are on sale as well.

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