Monday, December 1, 2008

Freezer Burned Food Experiment

When I found all that freezer burned chicken in my freezer, I just couldn't bear to throw it away. After all, it had probably cost me around $6 per bag or $36 total. Thus, being the cheap person that I am, I held onto it. One day I decided to try to cut the freezer burn off of the chicken. I let it thaw for awhile until just the outside was thawed and the inside was still quite solid. And low and behold that freezer burn came off! Quite easily too.

I cooked up that chicken in a crock pot meal with sauces and it was perfect! You couldn't even tell it had been freezer burned. Wohoo! I probably wouldn't want to make it without being in a meal which masks some flavor of the chicken. Plus, the crock pot helped to make it more tender.

I've thrown freezer burned chicken into the crock pot without cutting off the freezer burn. Again, as long as it was in something, I couldn't tell. I usually make it in a chicken and rice meal or cheesy crockpot chicken recipe.

It took my family almost 7 months to eat all that chicken. But, I'm pleased to say that we did it. We didn't waste any of it.

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