Monday, December 8, 2008

My Weekly Menu Plan Experiment and This Week's Plan

I usually have my meal plans run from Friday to Saturday. I usually plan 5-6 meals per week figuring that the other we end up eating either leftovers, eating at my in-laws or grabbing McDonalds or something (usually if I'm gone Lance will do this with the boys). I don't assign days of the week to the meals. That way I can just pick whatever I'm in the mood for or works into our schedule off the meal plan. It works for me. I think that if I planned certain days of the week, that I'd get up that day and not be in the mood for whatever I'd planned. Then I'd be tempted to stray from my carefully planned meals and order out.

I also don't bother to plan lunches, even though we're home 4 days per week. I just keep the house stocked with macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, macaroni noodles, spaghetti sauce, cheese slices and sandwich bread. Sometimes I buy ham or turkey cubes or frozen chicken nuggets. I never really know what the boys will be in the mood to eat at lunchtime and I like to let them call the lunch shots. I often just eat leftovers from the night before. If there are no leftovers, I usually make a sandwich.

This weeks menu plan is:

1. Cheesy Chicken over Egg Noodles
2. Steak, potato and corn
3. Beef Roast, potato and beans
4. Grilled chicken, potato and corn
5. Enchiladas

I made enchiladas for dinner tonight. My husband was gone all weekend on a guy's fishing trip. So,despite the fact that I usually get enough leftovers for two lunches, today I only had enough leftover for one lunch. Apparently he was hungry for something that wasn't fish and was homemade.

At night I usually look at my weekly meal plan and decide what we'll have the next night. For the 3 nights per week that I work, I plan easy meals such as scrambled eggs, something in the crockpot or something else that is pretty quick. Tomorrow will be steaks. I'll take them out of the freezer tonight and put them in the fridge so that they are thawed by dinner time. Of course we're in the middle of a HUGE snowstorm. My husband doesn't think there will be school tomorrow. I wonder how he'll feel about grilling outside in the middle of the storm.

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