Sunday, February 15, 2009

Being Smart With Money

I have a confession. We are one of "those" people who get huge tax refunds. I'm embarassed to admit that we've not updated our deductions since we got married. That's right, we only have taxes withheld as if we are a family of 2, not 5. Dumb!! We're giving the government (state and federal) an interest free loan. If we had gotten that money over 12 months, we would have had nearly $400 extra per month!!! See what I mean?

It is my goal for this week to get both my husband's and my withholdings updated. No more excuses.

So, if you don't see me back for a week or two, you'll know why. I'm too ashamed to come back and post that I haven't done it. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow $400.00 a month that is alot of $$ to any budget I hope you do get it fixed. Do not be ashamed millions do it! And i know people who cannot afford their monthly bills at all who do it!